Repairs & Maintenance

Repairs and Maintenance

To keep the worth to your money spent

Like your vehicle, regular maintenance on your solar plant is of utmost importance to keep your plant running at optimal performance.

Maintenance of your plant should include visual inspections on all panels, mounting-structures, cabling, combiner boxes, inverters and batteries if you have.

Torque checking all connections will insure that there are no loose brackets or connections.

Taking readings from panel to db will insure that optimal generation flows evenly throughout your system.

Thermal imaging shots will tell you if you have any hotspots on your panels or wiring or connections. This will help to early detect any faults that may in future lead to jeat-fatique and/or burning and general failures. Cold spots will generally indicate dead-sells,-panels or now energy flow.

A well planned maintenance programme will not only help with early detection of any problems that may lead to complete system failures but will also make sure that your solar-system is running at optimal performance so that you can continue to save, have power and live a green-life.

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